Company 2021-11-18

Minister pays a visit

BINDER as a role model: Hungary's Minister for Innovation and Technology pays a visit

On October 28, 2021, Prof. Dr. László Palkovics paid a visit to BINDER GmbH. Palkovics was accompanied by his advisor Dr. Janos Berenyi, Stuttgart's former Consul General, and his acting successor Dr. Andras Izsak, all of whom were personally welcomed by the BINDER management team.


Palkovics has been part of the Hungarian government since 2014 and, as Minister of Innovation and Technology, is very interested in learning from correspondingly oriented companies in Germany. Since Germany is one of Hungary's most important trading partners, Baden-Württemberg is of particular interest to the Hungarian consulate in Stuttgart. It is therefore not surprising that a company from the world's center of medical technology was chosen for a visit.


However, the fact that the choice fell on BINDER is a real accolade for the family-owned company, but by no means a coincidence. Owner Peter M. Binder reported on an extraordinary success story: "What began in 1983 in a residential house is now one of the most innovative companies in Germany, with 450 employees and annual sales of 75 million euros - as we can prove with numerous awards from the past."


 "Our innovative strength is fueled by the question we ask ourselves daily: 'What does the world need? - this is how Vice President Peter Wimmer phrases the company's credo, and Binder's designated successor Michael Pfaff added: "We translate customer needs into our output. Our added value is that we improve the lives of humanity." In this regard, so-called "megatrends" are exactly what BINDER is focusing on: In general, sustainability and energy efficiency; more specifically, e-mobility, digitalization and alternative nutrition. These topics are "extremely closely related, which is why they all are within the jurisdiction of my ministry, and that's the reason I'm right right here with you for new impulses," says Palkovics. The fact that new innovations are constantly being created at BINDER, is also demonstrated, among other things, by an investment volume of 9% of annual sales in in-house research and development.


During the factory-tour by Vice President Benjamin Jeuthe, however, the visitors were not only impressed by the company's progressiveness, but Palkovics described it as "outstanding what BINDER also does for the community" and explicitly referred to BINDER's financial support of the local university. For Peter M. Binder, this is a matter of course: "Social justice begins with education, because it is the ticket to a fair society." This is one of the reasons why the company also operates a training center with 50 apprentices, which is among the ten best in Germany every year.


Hungary ranks very well in various progressiveness rankings throughout Europe, being roughly on a par with Germany, for example. In order to continue this development, "strong partners who inspire each other" are needed, according to Palkovics, who in return extended an invitation vor BINDER to visit Hungar, in order for him to present his country's innovative approaches.