Company 24/10/2022

BINDER GmbH is committed to renewable energy sources

Largest photovoltaic system in the Tuttlingen district goes into operation

“Catching some rays” has become an important objective at BINDER. On October 13, 2022, the largest photovoltaic system in the Tuttlingen district was put into operation on the roof of the COMPETENCE FACTORY. Just as it has done in the past, BINDER is continuing to put the environment at the heart of its work and is using solar energy to run a large proportion of its production areas in the COMPETENCE FACTORY. Highly efficient solar modules which convert sunlight into electrical current are located on the 10,300 m2 roof. The system is capable of generating up to 620 kWp under optimum conditions, meaning that it is able to cover a large amount of the energy demand from the production halls. In terms of figures, this PV system would be able to supply 130 single-family homes. A huge amount of power!


Certified in the areas of environment and energy

As one of the leading manufacturers of simulation chambers, BINDER is not only committed to high-performance technology within its own ranks. The environmentally friendly technology used in the photovoltaic system is also in keeping with the company’s overall approach. During the first phase of construction of COMPETENCE FACTORY I back in 2017, attention was paid to ensure that environmentally friendly and energy-efficient equipment was incorporated. With one eye on the future, the building was fitted with power-saving LED lights, the factory’s own machines are used to generate power, and efforts were made to ensure a high amount of daylight enters the workspaces. Built in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 and 50001 standards, the building is one of the most cutting-edge and sustainable factories around – and BINDER has received the environment and energy certifications to prove it. “Our mission is to make a significant contribution to the health and safety of humanity – and that, of course, includes protecting the environment,” states Vice President Peter Wimmer. 


Expansion of the production area

In just a few weeks, BINDER will be inaugurating the second phase of construction of the 2,500 m2 COMPETENCE FACTORY II. Here too, careful consideration has been paid to ensure that energy-efficient construction methods are used. The strong growth achieved in recent years has made it possible to create space for additional production areas as well as more jobs. The new photovoltaic system will now ensure that a large proportion of the factory’s energy demand is generated from solar energy. 

BINDER follows through with its green agenda

For BINDER, the investment of half a million euros has certainly been worth it. After all, sunshine is freely available and does not leave behind an unwelcome carbon footprint. Renewable energy sources are the future and are set to gain even more momentum as a result of climate change and spiraling energy costs. BINDER is looking to the future and is focusing on environmentally friendly, innovative technologies in more areas than simply its own products. Ultimately, every technological innovation that contributes toward protecting the climate represents progress for humanity. As a certified company, BINDER will be continuing with its green agenda and in doing so will be keeping environmental protection at the forefront of its efforts.